Instructions on how to tie a bow tie
- Start with the bowtie lying face up. Adjust the bowtie so right side is shorter than the left. The end on the left will be referred to as A and the end on the right will be referred to as B.
- Move A to the right side, across B.
- Bring A under B and up through the neck loop.
- At the joint, fold B towards the right and then towards the left to create a the bow shape.
- Bring A straight down over the middle of the bow shape that was made with B.
- Fold A back towards the chest and pinch the fold.
- Push the pinched end (A) through the loop behind B.
- Pull on the folded parts of the bow to tighten.
- Adjust until balanced on both sides.
That's it! You are all set your tie and you look fantastic.
Crocodiles and camels.
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